R: Scott & Stephanie entertaining us during the opening sessionL: Getting to know Clint... "My favorite creative outlet is ballet"Just gotta love that 'Bucket-'O-Questions'! |
I think it's time for the perfect cheer...We knew Stephanie was good from her previous performances with Retreat Power, but really, who knew Scott had this in him! |
It's not enough for Lori to be goofy by herself. . . Clint has to help her. . . They just want to be like Scott & Stephanie! |
Dan teaching Rita how to throw a football. . . and apparently he's a good teacher because she looks like she's got it down. |
Cory serving the volleyball. |
Shirley taking a walk |
There was also time to hang out at the pool. . . |
L to R: Mike, Tisha, Kim, & Liz. . . Playing spades. . . If I remember right, Liz & Tisha kicked Mike & Kim's rears. |
Top Left: And now. . . Milli Vanilli . . . Dan announcing us.Top Right: Mike looking way too cool.Bottom Left: Back row left to right - Mike, Jeremy, Scott, & Dan. Front row left to right - Leslie, Julie, Cindy (yes, that's the back of my head with the red hair), Sarah, KrisBottom Right: "Yes you know it's true, ooh ooh ooh". . . I don't know what's scarier, the fact that Jeremy & Scott lip synced so well, or that Jeremy actually got us to do a Milli Vanilli song...Thanks to Lourenda for the pics on the left, and Kim for the pics on the right. |
OK, so who's bright idea was it to give a microphone to Marat? Gotta admit though, their cheer was really good |
Left: Sarah Wayne - "You want me to do what?"Right: That was so much FUN!BIG FUN!!! |
There off and eating, but wait. . . Kurtis is peeking, that's not fair. . .RECOUNT! |
Here, let me help you. . . |
No hard feelings. . . Oh how sweet (Sorry, I missed the shot of the kiss!) |
This page created October 8, 2001
by Cindy Ellis
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